Interactive Analytical Tools

The NSSAC team has created a number of tools to assist researchers with data analysis.

COPASI COPASI is a software application for simulation and analysis of biochemical networks and their dynamics. COPASI is a stand-alone program that supports models in the SBML standard and can simulate their behavior using ODEs or Gillespie’s stochastic simulation algorithm; arbitrary discrete events can be included in such simulations. You can visit the COPASI Simulator here.
dismolib dismolib is an interactive library for simulating the numerical outcomes of published mathematical epidemiology models including two types of COVID-19 models. For a disease model in this library, you can vary the parameters, simulate the time course, perform stability analysis, and more. Start using dismolib here.
Net.Science Net.Science is a cyberinfrastructure for network science and engineering. It is community driven resource, bringing together producers (contributors of software, data, and learning materials) and users. Our goal is to attract individuals and groups from industry, applied R&D and government laboratories, educators, college and university students (including undergraduates) across academic disciplines, and high school students. Start using Net.Science by clicking here.
EXCEADS EXperiments in Computational Epidemiology for Action and Decision Support is an application that allows the design, execution, and analysis of computational epidemiology experiments. The user is able to simulate the spread of infectious diseases under different initial conditions and intervention strategies to better understand disease dynamics to inform actions and support decisions. The interface walks the user through the design of these experiments, allows the execution of complex full-factorial experiments with the press of a button, and provides summary reports and plots as well as access the model results through an easy to use web application. Get ready to simulate!